Drop In Hockey
Participate in a fun and friendly no-check pick-up game without the commitment of a league. Sessions are limited to 30 players and locker and shower facilities are available. Signed waivers and full equipment (single blade hockey skates, HECC approved helmet, shin pads & hockey socks, elbow & shoulder pads, hockey gloves and hockey pants) are required. All participants must be at least 18 years of age to participate unless otherwise noted.
- Age18+ Adult Drop In Hockey
- Age 15- 18 High School Drop In Hockey
- Age 11 – 14 Peewee / Bantam Drop In Hockey
cost: $10.00

- Session Max – 26 skaters Plus 4 goalies
- All participants must be in full equipment
- All participants must sign a waiver
- Participants under the age of 18 require a waiver signed by a parent or guardian
- All players must provide their own equipment
- No contact or checking
- No coach-lead organized team practices
- Coaching of any kind is strictly prohibited
- Sign-up for sessions begins 30 minutes before session start time
- Sign up is on a first-come, first-served basis; players cannot pay or hold spaces for players who are not present